Lucy Ton That ’26 Possibility—was born when the sky criedthe night at 11:02 pm on August 22nd, 2022on Old Campus. The sky, like a scar in theuniverse, sobbed so hard that the drops hurtwhen they broke on my skin. I looked downat my Converse, once light but now darkblue, at my heavied brown skirt, soaking…
Author: Lucy Ton That
Shame—was born at 9:48 am on September
22nd, 2022, in a dusty classroom on York
Street full of Viet kids who can’t speak their
own language.
Lucy Ton That ’26 Shame—was born at 9:48 am on September22nd, 2022, in a dusty classroom on YorkStreet full of Viet kids who can’t speak theirown language. Shame was born at the samemoment that language died a confused deathin Lucy Ton That’s mouth, strangled by hernoose of a tongue. Learning language is likebecoming a child…
Rigidity married Routine—at 8:06 am, on
November 11th, 2022
Lucy Ton That ’26 Rigidity married Routine—at 8:06 am, onNovember 11th, 2022, when it had been 71days of the same oatmeal placed on the sameringed water stain on the same wooden tablein front of the same gabled windows. I haveinfinite oatmeal days ahead of me. Theingredients of a day are very simple. Thebase is a…
Lucy Ton That—will be married on January
18th, 2034, not in a church.
Lucy Ton That ’26 Lucy Ton That—will be married on January18th, 2034, not in a church. It doesn’tparticularly matter who she will be marriedto, it just matters that she will become wife.She will be a wife. The space that she willhave jammed artificially in between “Ton”and “That” with her computer cursor, willdeflate, run all out…