Lucy Ton That ’26 Lucy Ton That—was born, probably around9:00 pm, on October 2nd, 2003 at Brighamand Women’s Hospital in Boston,Massachusetts. Her mother will recall that itwas too late to be served dinner at thehospital. The parents were restless andhungry. Lucy will be a child born out ofhunger. At 9:57 pm on August 7th, 2022,behind…
Author: Lucy Ton That
Possibility–was born when the sky cried the night at 11:02 pm on August 22nd, 2022 on Old Campus
Lucy Ton That ’26 Possibility—was born when the sky criedthe night at 11:02 pm on August 22nd, 2022on Old Campus. The sky, like a scar in theuniverse, sobbed so hard that the drops hurtwhen they broke on my skin. I looked downat my Converse, once light but now darkblue, at my heavied brown skirt, soaking…
Shame—was born at 9:48 am on September
22nd, 2022, in a dusty classroom on York
Street full of Viet kids who can’t speak their
own language.
Lucy Ton That ’26 Shame—was born at 9:48 am on September22nd, 2022, in a dusty classroom on YorkStreet full of Viet kids who can’t speak theirown language. Shame was born at the samemoment that language died a confused deathin Lucy Ton That’s mouth, strangled by hernoose of a tongue. Learning language is likebecoming a child…
Rigidity married Routine—at 8:06 am, on
November 11th, 2022
Lucy Ton That ’26 Rigidity married Routine—at 8:06 am, onNovember 11th, 2022, when it had been 71days of the same oatmeal placed on the sameringed water stain on the same wooden tablein front of the same gabled windows. I haveinfinite oatmeal days ahead of me. Theingredients of a day are very simple. Thebase is a…
Lucy Ton That—will be married on January
18th, 2034, not in a church.
Lucy Ton That ’26 Lucy Ton That—will be married on January18th, 2034, not in a church. It doesn’tparticularly matter who she will be marriedto, it just matters that she will become wife.She will be a wife. The space that she willhave jammed artificially in between “Ton”and “That” with her computer cursor, willdeflate, run all out…