By Makda Assefa ’26 I read through my old journal today. Ancient emotions spilled across pages reserved for just one set of eyes. Don’t they say time heals? I think time spreads. Spreads life across months, weeks, days, Spreads experiences across a novel’s worth of memories. Moments captured, trapped, in ink, On these pages. Pages…
Category: Voices
Tyler Watts ’25 They say it’s going by fast. They say we just got here, and we’ll be on our way out soon enough. They can not believe that we are 20 and 21. Gosh, where did all that time go? I know where it has gone–not to say that this year deserves to be…
Possibility–was born when the sky cried the night at 11:02 pm on August 22nd, 2022 on Old Campus
Lucy Ton That ’26 Possibility—was born when the sky criedthe night at 11:02 pm on August 22nd, 2022on Old Campus. The sky, like a scar in theuniverse, sobbed so hard that the drops hurtwhen they broke on my skin. I looked downat my Converse, once light but now darkblue, at my heavied brown skirt, soaking…
Shame—was born at 9:48 am on September
22nd, 2022, in a dusty classroom on York
Street full of Viet kids who can’t speak their
own language.
Lucy Ton That ’26 Shame—was born at 9:48 am on September22nd, 2022, in a dusty classroom on YorkStreet full of Viet kids who can’t speak theirown language. Shame was born at the samemoment that language died a confused deathin Lucy Ton That’s mouth, strangled by hernoose of a tongue. Learning language is likebecoming a child…
The Devastation Genealogy
by Edwin Zishiri ’25 DADDY A small devastation is the sound that Daddy made when he put the cup down. He was always putting that brown cup down. That brown cup with the rotten, brown afterlife in it. That cup that he took with him to the park with the lavender flowers and big oak…