“I can’t wait to watch it!” “Oh my gosh, you haven’t seen it, yet? You HAVE to watch it!” People have uttered these exclamations countless times since Crazy Rich Asians came out. The day the film premiered, my friends and I immediately went to the nearest theater in NYC. As we sat together at the…
Two Words
“You’re in America – speak English!” I felt the sprinkles of spit hit my arm. Whipped my head to the right. All I could do was watch as a scowling seventy-something year old Caucasian man huffed away – an expression full of hate and an air of self-righteousness. My mom’s voice on the phone seemed…
Death and Gravity Overcome
No plane has ever crashed from turbulence. The Wright Brothers, however, were blatantly unaware of this. They must have feared that with every one of its convulsions, the aircraft would come tumbling down into the earth like every machine that attempted to fly before theirs. That’s another thing to remember. The Wright Brothers…
Living Art: Filling Basins Review
The founding women of the Washing Society are dancing, laughing, and singing. A folk song streams through the theatre like fingers smoothing down hair. You cannot see their faces, but they are smiling. Their bodies move like shadows and they begin to clap their feet in unison. The stage lights radiate the warmth of their…
Rusty Waters
He drums his calloused fingers on a tattered steering wheel Kenny Chensey sings about his lover stepping off a cloud The devil is beating his wife real bad today Sometimes he beats her for a hot minute but other times he drags it out til her eyes weep blood She must’ve really pissed him off…