For the past few weeks, there has been a growing attention to the fact that so many young Black girls have gone missing, especially in the D.C. area. Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman said, “In 2014, the Black and Missing Foundation reported that 64,000 Black women and girls were missing nationwide.” According to the FBI, in…
AACC Oral Histories: Grant Din
Grant Din is a Yale alum of the Class of 1979. He currently serves as the Community Resources Director at the Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation in San Francisco, where he works on research and educational projects relating to Angel Island immigration history. During his time at Yale, he was an active student leader for…
Healthcare for a Puffer Fish
The day Congress voted to repeal parts of Obamacare, Mama and I had decided to prepare a dish from Abuela’s cookbook: Torrejas de camarón con salsa de pipán. Mama had to pull out the recipe book to look at the ingredients and instructions. She didn’t know this one by heart. “How’s Dad been?” I asked…
The Name Game: Latinidad y Yo
by Dominic Schnabel Last names are hard, mine no exception. Schnabel. I have heard it butchered in every which way possible. Extra emphasis on the “a”, “bell” instead of “bull,” even adding in a few “p’s” and “k’s” for extra enunciation. Those familiar with the name’s German origin must think that I bleed beer and…
Jenny (Craig) Review: Resistance and Racial Imagination
by Janis Jin A white boy walks clumsily onstage with a backpack slung over his shoulder. His awkwardness is carefully constructed and his shy smile is too intentional; this white boy could only be a certain type of white boy (we all know the type). He turns to the audience and begins, “I wanted to…