A beginner’s guide to know which films are good through Saltburn. by Collyn Robinson ’25 Writer’s note: If you haven’t watched Saltburn, watch it, then come back to read this piece. “I love it–no I hate it.” That’s all I could say after watching the movie for the first time. The reason I watched Saltburn…
A Valentine’s Day Playlist
Whether or not you’re excited for Valentine’s Day, it’s on its way. Here are some songs to get you through. With Love, from DOWN
DOWN Reads
Over winter break, I went to my local bookstore and wandered around for an hour. I had $92.76 in my checking account. I spent it on books–and for the entire month, I only drank coffee at home. These are the first three books I read this year. And boy, have I been fed. I bought…
Unauthorized Syllabus: Color!
Light is a slippery substance, especially these days. Color is in plenty, almost always. This is funny because color is to light as time is to space, eventually the same thing. Pause. Back home, I watch teenagers with spray paint anoint the dilapidated bridge with streaky red, black, green, and white. Graffiti is otherwise mundane….
Girlfriend Eyes above red ribs, on the edge of acquaintance. Plastic cup; real body. Two parts vodka, three parts Coke, & Who taught you to kiss like that?