by Yonas Takele The 1990’s were an era marked by the proliferation of such phenomena as pagers, Bob Saget, and the reign of Michael Jordan. The 90’s also mark the beginning of a musical phenomena, gangsta rap. With the rise of such apostolic rap industry pioneers as Tupac, The Notorious BIG, and groups like N.W.A….
An Open Letter from the GESO Coordinating Committee
As members of the Coordinating Committee, the elected leadership of GESO, we write to our colleagues who drafted “An Open Letter to GESO Leadership,” published on January 25, 2016. As a leadership group made up overwhelmingly of women, people of color and LGBTQ people, we face many of the challenges outlined in your letter. We…
An Open Letter to GESO Leadership
We—women, LGBTQ graduate students, and graduate students of color at Yale University—write to share our concerns about union organizing practices, as well as our suggestions for improvement. We write with a shared recognition of the powerful work this union has done over the last two decades to support marginalized university employees and New Haven residents….
I Don’t Care What MLK Would Have Done
by Micah Jones What would Martin Luther King Jr. do? It seems to be the question at the center of every MLK day celebration. In many ways, it speaks to the process by which real, complex, flawed people are hollowed out in order to make martyrs. As we celebrate this national holiday in his honor,…
Queering the Co-Op
by Nicole Chavez June 26th, 2015 was a monumental day for many same-sex couples all across the country. Coupled with the announcement of the Obergefell v. Hodges decision legalizing same-sex marriage in the U.S., millions of people across Facebook “showed their pride” by applying a rainbow filter to their Facebook profile picture. Although the overwhelming…