By Tyler Rae Watts ’25 A girl went to the grocery store to buy cereal and some almond milk. She opted for almond because there was only oat milk left in her apartment’s fridge, and it belonged to her roommate, the one that doesn’t like to share. Anyhow it didn’t matter either way because this…
falling DOWN
A groovy fall playlist brought to you by DOWNmag 😉
Diary of a 20-Year-Old Teenage Girl
Gianna Campillo ’25 My girlhood is fleeting, but my bedroom shields me from its conclusion. Resting on my desk is a pearly white jewelry box. Its lid bears my childhood nickname “Gigi,” with each letter representing a descriptive adjective: G-graceful, I-inspiring, G-generous, I-intelligent. A heartfelt gift from my grandfather, it serves as a reminder of…
DOWN Reads
By Kaity Chandrika Babel by R.F. Kuang I like books that live up to what the back cover promises—this is absolutely one of them. It’s a new-age dark academia tour-de-force (560 pages, but worth it) that focuses its commentary on the conquest of languages. R.F. Kuang’s Yale PhD research in East Asian Studies beautifully informs…
Lucy Ton That (July 28th)
Lucy Ton That ’26 Lucy Ton That—was born again at 2:38 pmon July 28th, 2022 in Harvard,Massachusetts when she jumped off of abridge with four strangers. The distancebetween her two bodies was sixty feet,captured by the rust and wooden slats of therailway bridge and the murky river beneathit. The old Lucy Ton That is somewhereelse—inhaling…