cw: sexual assault the writer of this poem wishes to remain anonymous. I swallowed my fear as he removed my shirt, Breathe in, Stay in the moment, I kept reminding myself that I was there, in my room, I was in control, It’s not the same, you chose this, no one is forcing you to…
Groundbreaking Forum Explores Afro-Native Identity
by Alejandra Padín-Dujon “There is no specific point at which Black-Cherokee relations begin,” cautioned Yale law student and Harvard Ph.D. candidate Shannon Prince by way of introduction to her history of the Cherokee Freedmen—freed slaves incorporated into the racially diverse Cherokee Nation who struggle to procure tribal citizenship to this day. Prince herself is Black Cherokee,…
Open Letter to Students of Color at Yale from Alumni/ae of Color
To sign this letter click here. See the signatories and the original post on Medium here. November 13, 2015 To Students of Color at Yale: We hear you. We see you. We, the undersigned alumni, write this letter to support and encourage you as you continue making your voices heard against systemic racism at Yale…
Toward a Better Yale School of Medicine: Demands for the Administration
Dear Dean Alpern and Members of the Yale School of Medicine (YSM) Administration, Inspired by the brave examples of NextYale, other students at Yale, and campuses across the country, we, students of color and partners in solidarity, write to demand sustainable reforms to foster a YSM in which all identities are valued. We respect President…
A Letter of Support to Black Students at Yale from Black Alumni
Alumni can sign here Dear Black Students of Yale, As members of Yale University’s Black alumni community, we write to express our support and solidarity with you and other students of color at Yale as you raise your voices in protest, and mount a call to action by the Yale administration in order to address…